
Showing posts from February, 2025

Finalizing our Final Task! - LAST Production blog!

 HEy viewers! Production is officially over!

Tidious Territories... - Production Update

 Hey blog! Here i will talk about more editing and how tides and slow the process of editing scenes is. 

Editing Editions! - Production Update

 Hello my fellow blog viewers! Today, we start a new segment of production. We have officially finished filming and are now editing! But first, a recap of production. Previously, I have shared the filming process. I have made contributions as a director, cameraman, and actor. Filming went surprisingly smooth, especially compared to other productions Valentina and I have contributed on. So, we held a positive attitude that we would have a smooth editing process. When I created the schedule, I had our editing sessions during Valentina and I's AICE Media class so we could work on it together during school. However, this is what led to the first problem in production, Wi-Fi. The first part of editing I find to be the most time-consuming and tedious. I have to swift through every shot taken for each scene and scan for any errors within each video filmed to narrow it down to a final one to use. When trying to do this in school, the Wi-Fi would not permit for our videos in my camera roll ...

One step closer…. - Production Update

 Hey my blog viewers! I have such an exciting update for you all to hear about! As you know, my previous production updates have been surrounded around filming Valentina and I's final task. Well, filming is officially over. We held our last filming day to film the group scene. The group in question is Valentina and I'd characters, in addition to two other actors we are bringing in. These people are Valentina and I's friends Dylan, playing a guy named Marcus, and Eliana, playing a girl named Valeria. This filming day brings us back to Holiday park, but rather than filming on the soccer field, we filmed in a parking lot. I started by filming Eliana's solo scenes. I had Valentina look at the storyboard while I articulated the angles for her scenes. I tried to capture unusual, candid angles that gave the perspective of someone watching Eliana's character. Eliana doesn't thrive as an actor, so her scenes rely on the filmography, performed by me, to drive forward the ...

Taking the camera! - Production Update

 Hey future directors! Today is finally the day I take full control of the camera! To recap, so far in production my contribution has been with mainly acting and creative directing. Valentina has been the one who has been filming all the scenes up until this moment. However, today we filmed Valentina's solo scenes. With Valentina in front of the camera, that meant I was able to be behind the camera. Today's filming location was galleria mall, we ended up carpooling so I drove Valentina and I to said filming location. The day started with me filming an establishments shot of the location. I kind of tested out different spots in front of the mall with different distances from the mall. I wanted to see which angle at which distance would be most optimal. Filming multiple clips of each shot is crucial to me as it will give me the most options when I am editing the project. Moving on, we then moved inside the mall. Here we reached our first issue, other people. While some can look a...

My Acting Debut! - Production Update

 Hey bloggers! I have a very exciting, substantial, update to share from our production process. We are slowly but surely making our way through the filming portion of production. Last I updated you we had finished filming Dylan's characters scene.  This next update is from the filming of my character, Alex, solo scenes. His solo scenes are at Alex's house, which in real life is my house. His scenes involved him exiting this car and walking up to his house, only to discover a mysterious, scary letter on his doorstep. This meant that I would be making my acting debut! I prepared for this scene by reviewing the script and all my lines. Remembering my lines would help to expedite filming. I had Valentina film the scenes I acted in. However, this meant I had to pick her up and bring her to my house as she lacks a source of transportation. The time we were able to schedule a filming session happened to be around 6:00pm. Locally, this is the time where the sun begins to set. With th...

The Thrill Begins! - Production Update

Hey my thriller-loving blog readers! I'm so happy to be posting an update on our continuation in production. So far, I've done some pre-production tasks,  such as gathering and creating props. I've also begun editing, starting with Dylans's character, Marcus, solo scenes. This update is us finishing Dylan's solo scenes. All his scenes were filmed in holiday park, as described by our script. Last update, we started his scenes by filming the transition from his hair to his scene. This session of filming I filmed the shots of him receiving and answering the anonymous text message. To start, we used my phone to film as it has the best camera quality. This meant that while Valentina was filming Dylan, I had to text Dylan on Valentina's phone. I also set her contact on Dylan's phone as "Unknown" to clarify that the text was from an anonymous messenger. Valentina and I also got the idea during pre-production to use her amazon portable camera to film vinta...

New beginnings! - Production Update

 What is up my fellow bloggers! After some trails and tribulations, some minor and some more major, I have some exciting updates in production! But first, allow me to refresh your memory on some previous progress discussed. Unfortunately, throughout production we had some hiccups that prevented filming. Luckily, this allowed us to focus on our pre-production work, including my task of gathering all the supplies needed to create our props. But after finalizing all of the props, and everything els needed for filming, filming could finally begin. But of course, our chosen filming backup day, the weather was looking rather poor. The extreme clouds in the sky made it seem we would have to rescheduled yet again, but luckily, it pulled through and we were locked in for the first filming day. Our first filming location consisted of the scene at holiday park, where the movie would follow Marcus. Marcus is being portrayed by Valentina and I's friend, Dylan. In past productions, reliable tran...

Scheduling Slump in Production! - Production Update

 Hello fellow bloggers, I hope you've been awaiting updates. Unfortunately, this may not be as big of an update as you were hoping for. To recap production thus far, we started production with prop assembling. I traveled to various stores to create props for our first filming day. Side note, this blog was supposed to be about said filming day. The reason why it isn't is due to scheduling issues that led to us cancelling our first filming day. The root from this issue was me having my driver's test and tennis practice, and Valentina having an important, required club meeting. As a result, we did not have a successful filming day, we in fact did not have one at all. However, this just meant we were able to work further on our props. But before that, the rescheduling process for filming occurred. I set a later date to film some of the scenes at holiday park. Hopefully, this date will work for everyone and filing will begin! But circling back to our props, let me give a summary...

Exciting beginnings in production!

 Its official, pre-production has officially begun! To recap the project being dealt with, Valentina, my friend and classmate, and I are making an opening sequence to a thriller. The name we chose is "What Happened Last Night" and it unravels cryptic messages linking a friend group to their secret, regretful decisions. A huge part of this opening sequence is our choice is displaying all the title's. These titles include "Produced by," "Directed by," and such. In order to display these titles in a way that establishing the movie's thriller genre, I contributed in designing items to display the titles on. This included incorporating a title on a t-shirt being removed on a clothing rack. A priority in  this production is to condense all expenses are the production team, Valentina and I, are rather low on funds. To adhere to this priority, I shopped at discount stores such as Dollar Tree and 5 Below. I found a plain t-shirt at my local dollar tree. Wit...