The Thrill Begins! - Production Update
Hey my thriller-loving blog readers! I'm so happy to be posting an update on our continuation in production. So far, I've done some pre-production tasks, such as gathering and creating props. I've also begun editing, starting with Dylans's character, Marcus, solo scenes. This update is us finishing Dylan's solo scenes. All his scenes were filmed in holiday park, as described by our script. Last update, we started his scenes by filming the transition from his hair to his scene. This session of filming I filmed the shots of him receiving and answering the anonymous text message. To start, we used my phone to film as it has the best camera quality. This meant that while Valentina was filming Dylan, I had to text Dylan on Valentina's phone. I also set her contact on Dylan's phone as "Unknown" to clarify that the text was from an anonymous messenger. Valentina and I also got the idea during pre-production to use her amazon portable camera to film vintage-looking shots for every scene. The intention for these were to make it look like someone was watching each character in the scene. So for this filming session, I used the camera to film these stalker shots. We also had to use dialogue in the scenes we filmed. Dylan is notoriously not the best at memorizing lines, regardless of him having one or two, so I was in charge of holding the script and reading his lines to him. However, no filming day goes without some hiccups. These scenes were filmed on a soccer court in the middle of Holiday Park. This is what lead to an interruption that caused us to have to rush through filming. While we were filming, workers started moving things around. I asked them why and they mentioned how there was a game that was about to start and we had to leave. I kind of ignored them and tried to expedite our filming but in some of the scenes you can see the kids walking onto the court to play. But honestly, they're just background actors that are aging to the film. All in all, we finished Dylan's scenes, making this filming day a success! Stay tuned to see when we film the rest and how it goes!
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