Editing Editions! - Production Update

 Hello my fellow blog viewers! Today, we start a new segment of production. We have officially finished filming and are now editing! But first, a recap of production. Previously, I have shared the filming process. I have made contributions as a director, cameraman, and actor. Filming went surprisingly smooth, especially compared to other productions Valentina and I have contributed on. So, we held a positive attitude that we would have a smooth editing process. When I created the schedule, I had our editing sessions during Valentina and I's AICE Media class so we could work on it together during school. However, this is what led to the first problem in production, Wi-Fi. The first part of editing I find to be the most time-consuming and tedious. I have to swift through every shot taken for each scene and scan for any errors within each video filmed to narrow it down to a final one to use. When trying to do this in school, the Wi-Fi would not permit for our videos in my camera roll to film. This meant we were gonna have to post-pone and reschedule every editing session. After school, Valentina and I have tennis practice and were are not allowed to miss many, if any, practices. This makes moving production after school very difficult. I got in contact with our coach and explained the situation and got it all taken care of. We then went to my house after school the following day and began sifting. Each shot we took about 5 videos, including different angles with different lighting. I was the one to initial look through them and then I would show my top pick to Valentina and see if she also approved. I repeated this process for all scenes of our opening scene. We managed to finish it in one editing session, making us one step closer to finishing!


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