One step closer…. - Production Update
Hey my blog viewers! I have such an exciting update for you all to hear about! As you know, my previous production updates have been surrounded around filming Valentina and I's final task. Well, filming is officially over. We held our last filming day to film the group scene. The group in question is Valentina and I'd characters, in addition to two other actors we are bringing in. These people are Valentina and I's friends Dylan, playing a guy named Marcus, and Eliana, playing a girl named Valeria. This filming day brings us back to Holiday park, but rather than filming on the soccer field, we filmed in a parking lot. I started by filming Eliana's solo scenes. I had Valentina look at the storyboard while I articulated the angles for her scenes. I tried to capture unusual, candid angles that gave the perspective of someone watching Eliana's character. Eliana doesn't thrive as an actor, so her scenes rely on the filmography, performed by me, to drive forward the thriller elements of the film. I also directed Eliana with her lines and advised her movement and acting in the film. Following her solo scenes, we then filmed the group scenes. We filmed these scenes in my car, however, I made sure to move it to a different parking lot within Holiday Park to ensure the viewer can tell we are in a different location. I, once again, took a directorial role with these scenes, I assisted Valentina in filming Dylan's character enter the car. Additionally, we collaborated on the angles we used to film the group inside the car. I wanted the camera angles to emphasize the panic the characters were feeling. I managed to enrapture this emotion by choosing to film each character's lines with a close-up on their face. The only issue that occurred was our acting. Valentina and I definitely shine with our filming, rather than our acting. All-in-all everything was rather successful and today we had very minimal issues. With the conclusion of filming the group scene, filming is officially over! Time to edit!
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