Scheduling Slump in Production! - Production Update

 Hello fellow bloggers, I hope you've been awaiting updates. Unfortunately, this may not be as big of an update as you were hoping for. To recap production thus far, we started production with prop assembling. I traveled to various stores to create props for our first filming day. Side note, this blog was supposed to be about said filming day. The reason why it isn't is due to scheduling issues that led to us cancelling our first filming day. The root from this issue was me having my driver's test and tennis practice, and Valentina having an important, required club meeting. As a result, we did not have a successful filming day, we in fact did not have one at all. However, this just meant we were able to work further on our props. But before that, the rescheduling process for filming occurred. I set a later date to film some of the scenes at holiday park. Hopefully, this date will work for everyone and filing will begin! But circling back to our props, let me give a summary of our progress thus far. In my last blog, I spoke of my idea of vintage lettering and such that portrayed a thriller vibe. I didn't love how it turned out for the letters the actor's would discover, the one's that states " I know what you did last night." So rather than doing standard vintage letters, I sort of brain stormed an alternative method. After some trial and error, I came up with a vision of doing letter's that has more wear and tear. I wanted the letter's to look somewhat rusty and dirty. In my vision, this rugged look for the letter's would make them look more creepy. With Valentina's help, I was able to craft a draft of what this may look like. Valentina then put pen to paper and made the physical props, which was followed with my approval. I really feel like this change with the letter's will help emulate the energy of a thriller film in our opening sequence. This makes me even more excited to start filming!creepy fonts to draw


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