My Acting Debut! - Production Update

 Hey bloggers! I have a very exciting, substantial, update to share from our production process. We are slowly but surely making our way through the filming portion of production. Last I updated you we had finished filming Dylan's characters scene.  This next update is from the filming of my character, Alex, solo scenes. His solo scenes are at Alex's house, which in real life is my house. His scenes involved him exiting this car and walking up to his house, only to discover a mysterious, scary letter on his doorstep. This meant that I would be making my acting debut! I prepared for this scene by reviewing the script and all my lines. Remembering my lines would help to expedite filming. I had Valentina film the scenes I acted in. However, this meant I had to pick her up and bring her to my house as she lacks a source of transportation. The time we were able to schedule a filming session happened to be around 6:00pm. Locally, this is the time where the sun begins to set. With the suns setting as we were filming, it put pressure on our filming. This led to us rushing which may leads to a decrease in quality of the footage. Nonetheless, we were still able to get all of the scenes in before the sun had fully set. Some scenes I had to act out involved having a scared reaction. I sort of experimented with different faces and movements in these types of shots that required a sense of fear and suspense. My intention by filming multiple of the same shots with different types of reactions is so we would have the most amount of options to choose from when editing. This scene also featured the cryptic, vintage letters I had created pre-production. While filming, I came up with the idea to have the director title on the back of the letter. With this, we could first show the title when Alex looks at the letter, then end with a low angle shot that allowed the audience to clearly see the back of the letter, hence also letting them see the director title. Another great filming day, I can not wait for more!


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