The Beginning of Production....
Hey! Our music video has been slowly, but surely, coming along! I made the scheduling for all of our meet up production dates, all of which would occur at my house. This schedule also included a required time for everyone to show up so we could have a long enough time slot to be efficient. The first day I planned for us to plan out the scenes and write out the story board for the music video. The call time for this production date was set for 2:00 p.m. So, when the first person, Salomé, showed up at 2:30 I had already developed slight feeling of regret. This only built when the final person, Valentina, did not come until 3:00, meaning we had lost an hour. When we had all finally gathered, I stated a recap of all the current details we had already planned, until I heard an opposition. Francesco, weeks after we had already gotten the basic idea and song down, had chosen to express his disinterest in pretty much everything we had planned. We then as a group spent the next 30 minutes to an hour pretty much convincing him what we were doing would be most influential. Already there was a disagreement, not a great start. Nonetheless, I had begun created props for our scenes, the main one being a "Welcome to Florida" sign. This would be crucial for the opening and closing scenes that would have a mirroring effect of each other, something I had introduced to the group. I tried to make the sign bold and eye-catching so it would be easily noticed by all viewers, thus helping them understand the commercial better. While I was designing, drawing, and creating this sign, Valentina and Francesco had finished the first set of scenes. It was designed as having the "New Kid" in the commercial to be alone in the first few scenes, who I suggested and overall decided should be Salome. Using this first outline, Salome and I separated from the group while they wrapped up the storyboard so we could start filming. For this first session of filming, I took the role of cinematographer and directed Salome throughout these scenes. This helped us stick to the storyboard and best represent our messages and plot line. One of the scenes we filmed was our "New Kid" entering the town, shown by Salome driving in and having the car pass to reveal the "Welcome to Florida" sign. I sort of developed the image of this scene and so it made most sense for me to film it. When filming, I made sure to capture different angles and shots to make sure we would have the widest variety for this scene. This is something I made a priority for every scene I shot, that way I could ensure I had filmed the perfect scene for our music video. After repeated this for all of Salome's solo scenes, we had concluded production day one. Rough start, but smooth finish!
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