Chaotic Creative Day! - Continuation of Music Video Production
Hey guys! Incase you haven't been following along, My friends and I have embarked on the journey of creating a music video to the song "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears. Production so far has been a little shaky, but still efficient. To summarize our first in-person production day, we met up and every was late. But when they were there I took a cinematographer and set designer role for the first few scenes. This production day was definitely more chaotic than the last. For a change, Salome and Francesco were on time, that time being 4:30 p.m. However, Valentina did not show up until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, meaning we were very quickly loosing sunlight as the sunsets at 5:30. Up until this point, I supplied pretty much all set materials and production props as we used my house and the items within it. But for the scenes being filmed today, we needed one extra bike. Valentina volunteered to supply this bike. She ended up not doing so and we were short one bike. So seeing as we only had 3 bikes, the bikes I supplied, I suggested a different allocation of roles and said Francesco could be our cinematographer and Valentina, Salome and I would be the actors in the commercial. I also was quietly developing details to include in the commercial that could help make the plot more visually represented to the viewer. One of the things I suggested was that the new girl, played by Salome, would be first alone, and then when she meets her new friends, played by Valentina and I, she would be slowly integrated in with them while first still being excluded and them slowly more united. I made the creative choice to show this initial exclusion by having the established friends ride bikes next to each other, and the new girl ride a scooter trailing behind them. I also had the thought process that the new girl having a different vehicle could show how she's from a different background and not used to activities in the new city she moved into. This ended up playing out very nicely in the music video. Additionally, I helped develop additional scenes to be used during the friend group montage to help bulk up the music video. Some things I came up with were to play a board game, bake something, and ride bikes. As far as our filming progression went, we had some difficulties with lighting for outside scenes. This was expected when Valentina showed up 30 minutes late as we lost significant daylight. This made it so we were only able to complete one outdoor scene, that being with the new girl riding a scooter and the friends writing a bike. However, with my creative control, we were able to film most of the indoor scenes. These scenes mainly consisted of the friend group montage of them doing various activities.
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