Hey! Our music video has been slowly, but surely, coming along! I made the scheduling for all of our meet up production dates, all of which would occur at my house. This schedule also included a required time for everyone to show up so we could have a long enough time slot to be efficient. The first day I planned for us to plan out the scenes and write out the story board for the music video. The call time for this production date was set for 2:00 p.m. So, when the first person, Salomé, showed up at 2:30 I had already developed slight feeling of regret. This only built when the final person, Valentina, did not come until 3:00, meaning we had lost an hour. When we had all finally gathered, I stated a recap of all the current details we had already planned, until I heard an opposition. Francesco, weeks after we had already gotten the basic idea and song down, had chosen to express his disinterest in pretty much everything we had planned. We then as a group spent the next 30 minutes ...