
Showing posts from December, 2024

CCR - Music Video

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The Music Video

  AICE Media Music Video This is the final music video project! I'm so happy we have finally finished. I can not wait for you all to watch it! Enjoy! 

Finally Finalizing the Music Video!

 Hey blog readers! I'm Jack, the editor, and I have some super exciting news! For context, I last updated you all on the start of editing in the production process for my music video. To provide a current update, we have officially finished editing! This means the music video will soon be published and available for all to enjoy! But before that, let's talk about how we got here. Following the first FaceTime call where we sifted through footage and edited the music, my group, Salome, Francesco, and Valentina, met up the next night to wrap it all up. I started with the opening scene and trimmed the song in the beginning to match the  shot being used. I also cut out part of the shot where we see Salome start to drive because I wanted it to look like she was already driving. I then added in the second scene and made sure it lined up with the music. However, with the second scene where we see the main girl walking into her new house, I thought it would be fun to add in another per...

Editing Extravaganza! - Starting editing in production!

 Hey readers! It's Jack, your blog editor, writing about yet another amazing update in production! To recap, the last update I gave was about finalizations in production. We filmed a bountiful amount of clips for every single scene. I made sure when filming that I got every angle and every variation of the scenes we wrote on the storyboard. This allows for a grand selection to pick through when we began editing, which is now! I decided that for scheduling purposes, it would be much easier if we did a FaceTime call rather than meeting up in person again. This is a result of all of our busy schedules interfering. I scheduled a time and date and we all met up over FaceTime. We ended up using my phone for filming which meant that I got to do the heavy lifting in the editing process. While filming, I put all of my favorite shots in a folder in my camera roll. This helped to expedite the selection process. To start, we all went through this folder and unanimously agreed on the shots we s...

Fun Filming! - Finalizing filming in production

 Hey readers! I'm Jack, your editor, writing to you on expansions in production. As some of you may be aware, I am currently in the middle of production for a music video. The music video is for the song "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" by Tears for Fears. It is in collaboration with my best friends Valentina, Salome, and Francesco. Or honestly after the chaos day 1 of filming was, I'm better off saying they USED to be my best friends. All jokes of course! But going back to production, to summarize, my last update referred to my first day of filming. It wasn't the best experience and was definitely not the most productive. On the bright side, filming day 2 was a HUGE success! I invited everyone back to my house and it seems like everyone learned their lesson because to my surprise, everyone was on time! This allowed us to wrap up filming! For day 2, I continued my role as a supporting actor to Salome, the main girl. Part of filming today involved me creating th...

Chaotic Creative Day! - Continuation of Music Video Production

 Hey guys! Incase you haven't been following along, My friends and I have embarked on the journey of creating a music video to the song "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears. Production so far has been a little shaky, but still efficient. To summarize our first in-person production day, we met up and every was late. But when they were there I took a cinematographer and set designer role for the first few scenes. This production day was definitely more chaotic than the last. For a change, Salome and Francesco were on time, that time being 4:30 p.m. However, Valentina did not show up until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, meaning we were very quickly loosing sunlight as the sunsets at 5:30. Up until this point, I supplied pretty much all set materials and production props as we used my house and the items within it. But for the scenes being filmed today, we needed one extra bike. Valentina volunteered to supply this bike. She ended up not doing so and we wer...

The Beginning of Production....

 Hey! Our music video has been slowly, but surely, coming along! I made the scheduling for all of our meet up production dates, all of which would occur at my house. This schedule also included a required time for everyone to show up so we could have a long enough time slot to be efficient. The first day I planned for us to plan out the scenes and write out the story board for the music video. The call time for this production date was set for 2:00 p.m. So, when the first person, Salomé, showed up at 2:30 I had already developed slight feeling of regret. This only built when the final person, Valentina, did not come until 3:00, meaning we had lost an hour. When we had all finally gathered, I stated a recap of all the current details we had already planned, until I heard an opposition. Francesco, weeks after we had already gotten the basic idea and song down, had chosen to express his disinterest in pretty much everything we had planned. We then as a group spent the next 30 minutes ...