Music Video Storyboard!

 This is our full storyboard for our upcoming music video!

Scene descriptions:

Scene 1: Tracking shot of a car with a new family from Colombia.  

Scene 2: Establishing shot of a new girl walking into her new house in her new neighborhood.  

Scene 3: New girl is looking sad on her bed reminiscing 

Scene 4: High angle of new girl on her phone, appearing to be sad 

Scene 5: Insert on the new girl's phone where she is texting her friends from Colombia, missing her old life.  

Scene 6: The girl gets so sad she curls up in a ball, a medium-long shot  

Scene 7: Over the shoulder shot of potential new friend group playing on the other side of the road.  

Scene 8: New girl goes up to potential new friends and introduces herself.  

Scene 9: A montage begins of the new girls with her new friends biking, including a pan. 

Scene 10: The montage continues with the new friend group, playing a board game.  

Scene 11: Montage continues with the friend group baking 

Scene 12; Montage ends with friends group playing soccer  

Scene 13: New girl bras her phone from pocket to check the time 

Scene 14: Zoom – in on phone wallpaper. Wallpaper shows a picture of the new girl´s new and old friends.  

Scene 15: New girl goes on bike ride with friends, passing the location in the opening scene. 


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