Moving along in production - Editing!

 Hey guys! Major update on our production process! So as you may all know, the previous stage of production had involved filming our planned scenes in addition to extra ones. While filming I made it a point to get every angle of every shot and film everything multiple times. Although I think this was critical to our production process, it left day 2 of our production to be targeted towards sifting through all of our footage. With this, my contribution to this stage of production was to assist in completing the sifting process. I categorized all of our footage and related each seat to our storyboard. From there, I then watched back every scene filmed for every box drawn on the storyboard and kind of had to imagine its potential in the final commercial. This helped me know what scenes and angles to keep, in addition to knowing which ones to scrap. I then communicated my opinion on the scenes I thought were objectively the best with Valentina. After this, we came to an agreement on the scenes to be used. So, after we had chosen our scenes, I had to reimagine our full vision of the edited visuals and formatting of the scenes in the commercial. Reimagining this later helped brainstorm what type of editing styles I would think of for the commercial. Keeping off all this in mind, I then started the editing process. We planned to leave most of the editing and finalizations for day 3 so I did keep my work brief. My main task I gave myself was to format all the scenes together in an editing platform. This would later help me make additional edits. Following the formatting of the scenes, I was given the task of finding background music. This music would act as non-diegetic sound in the finalized commercial. I did research on finding light and airy music that matched the beach vibe displayed in the commercial. I found a few potential candidates and then did some deliberating with Valentina to figure out which was the best fit. But, following this we had decided to call ti a wrap on production day 2! I'm so excited to continue production!


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