Our Commercial Storyboard!

 Hey! A little update on production, we've outlined each scene of the commercial via storyboard template.

Scene 1: Two actors are seen gloomy, bored in a mundane setting. They’re seen visibly bored, watching TV while eating chips on the coach. 

Scene 2: One actor reaches in to grab the product and bring it to the two actors. 

Scene 3: A slow-mo shot of product being sprayed while the actors are sniffing the new scent. 

Scene 4: Zoom in on product while still in house setting. 

Scene 5: Zoom out from product, transitioning to the new beach setting. The actors are seen very happy and surprised at the beach. 

Scene 6: Actors are seen playing volleyball on the beach, with visible joy. One hits the volleyball into the sunny sky. 

Scene 7: While volleyball is in the sky, as it begins to fall the brand name and logo appear in the sky. Voiceover reads these words to conclude the commercial. 


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