A few music video pitches!

Pitch 1: Song - Friday by Rebecca Black Thi s music video would follow the storyline of two teenagers having a fun night out that leads to irresponsible decisions and dramatic consequences. While this is happening two other teenagers are t rying to intervene and stop them from doing these actions , but the y d on ' t listen and face the consequences before receiving help. Conversation: Althoug h this was a s trong contender, after making an overall comparison, a better optio n was chosen. Even with the strong purpose behind this, we found as a group our chosen pitch to be much more powerful with its meaning and speak to a larger audience. We found the values in the chosen pitch to be more universal , rather than speaking to few peopl e. Having more universal values helps more people to be inspired by the music video, creating a greater purpose for the video. Pitch 2: Song - Instant Crush by Daft Punk This music video will describe the li v ...